Pasadena City College

Pasadena City College

LocationPasadena, CA

AskMary Presley

How to Apply
If you are a current PCC student, have good writing skills, and like to help others, we welcome you to apply to be part of our team of student tutors and writing specialists.  Be sure to check out the FAQs at the bottom of this page.

Part 1: General Application
All applicants start by submitting the general application form (linked below) or picking up a printed packet in the Writing Center-East (C345).

Then, schedule a time with the Writing Support Center Assistant to come in to write a response to a writing prompt. When you come to write the essay, please bring these with you:

A copy of your PCC transcripts (unofficial copies are fine)
A copy of a paper that you have written for a previous English class, preferably at PCC.
Part 2: Initial Screening
After you have written the essay and submitted the other documents, we will conduct an initial screening. All applicants will be contacted after the initial screening.  If you are selected to continue, you will be invited to come in for a sample tutoring session and interview.

Tutoring Session And Interview
You will be given a student essay to review and time to review it. Then, we will ask you to share what the writer can do to improve the paper. This will not be a role-playing situation. The review of the  sample paper will be followed by an interview.

Completion Of The Hiring Process
After the sample tutoring session and interview, we will contact applicants, usually within a week, to inform them whether we can offer them a position.

Also, at this point, we ask all newly-hired tutors to take a grammar assessment. Those newly hired tutors who have areas where they need work will be given a course of study to prepare them for tutoring.

We want to start all newly hired writing tutors as soon as they are cleared by the Human Resources Department at PCC, so they can gain hands-on experience.


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